Child Turns a Funny Color and Sweats High Pulse When Feeding

6 Serious Symptoms in Babies Never to Ignore

Detect out what to do if your infant shows these symptoms.


Becoming a parent for the first time is amazing, but information technology can besides be scary -- especially the start fourth dimension your baby gets sick.

It can be tempting to striking the panic push for every little cough or rash. How tin can you tell what's serious, what's just new parent jitters, and what can wait until your baby'south side by side checkup?

Here are half-dozen serious symptoms in babies that you lot should never ignore.

i. Blue lips (cyanosis)

"If your baby's lips are turning blue, or the fungus membranes in their mouth or natural language turn blue, this is a sign that they are not getting enough oxygen," says Carrie Drazba, Physician, a pediatrician at Blitz University Medical Middle in Chicago. This condition is known as cyanosis.

What should y'all do?

"If your babe is turning bluish, calling 911 is very appropriate," Drazba says.

2. Strained breathing

All babies grunt and groan from fourth dimension to time. Just if their animate is consistently hard and fast, and you tin can see that they are using their breast muscles more than they should exist and that their nostrils flare out, it may exist a sign of respiratory distress, says Jadene Wong, Physician, a clinical instructor in pediatrics at Lucille Packard Children'south Hospital at Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif.

What should you do?

"Call your pediatrician right away, and if it is after-hours, consider a trip to the emergency room," Wong says.

3. Fever over 100.four F or 38 C (in newborns)

"If your infant is less than three months and has a rectal temperature greater than 100.four F, call your pediatrician," Drazba says. "Fever in a newborn is very not-specific. It tin be anything from a cold to meningitis, and we treat a fever more seriously in newborns," she says.

What should you do?

"Always accept a newborn'south temperature rectally because other ways are not as accurate in newborns," Drazba says.

Telephone call your doctor if your newborn has a fever.

"A newborn may be admitted to the hospital to undergo a battery of tests, including a spinal tap for evaluation of what is causing the fever, and he or she may demand antibiotics," Drazba says. A fever is not always serious in older children with more developed immune systems.

4. Worsening jaundice (yellowing of the skin)

If your newborn is getting yellower and yellower after birth, they may have worsening jaundice.

"Not all jaundice is dangerous," Wong says. "Some is normal and volition go abroad on its own, merely if information technology is increasing as opposed to going away, it may need an evaluation."

Bilirubin is produced by the liver. "The liver in the baby is similar a furnace: information technology takes a while to become information technology going, but in one case we become it going, it'south OK," Wong says. "When they are born, if their liver is not up to speed, bilirubin can build upwardly in the trunk and crusade the peel to turn a yellowish color."

If bilirubin levels skyrocket, they can affect the encephalon, causing seizures and permanent damage.

What should you practise?

Nigh doctors will recommend feeding your infant more frequently, so that the baby gets rid of excess bilirubin in their stool.

The next stride is to place the baby under ultraviolet (UV) lights (phototherapy) to increment the breakup of bilirubin. "If information technology goes higher, blood transfusions may exist needed," Wong says.

Wong notes that "home intendance or phototherapy is usually plenty to bring bilirubin down to a level where the babe's trunk can get rid of it on its ain."

5. Dehydration

"If your baby is not making wet diapers, nosotros worry about dehydration," Wong says. "We like to encounter one diaper for every 24-hour interval one-time up to 6 days of age, and then six wet diapers a mean solar day going forrard."

At the least, that ways ii diapers for 2 day-olds, three diapers for three-solar day-olds, and so on.

Others signs of astringent dehydration may include dry mouth, sunken eyes, and lethargy.

What should yous exercise?

Call your pediatrician for advice equally shortly as possible, Wong says. The doctor may recommend feeding the infant chest milk or formula. Water is really not good to give a infant in these situations,Wong notes, because it can crusade sodium levels to fall, and this can pb to seizures.

vi. Throwing upward brilliant green bile

Kids throw up. A lot. They throw upwardly from cough too hard, crying too hard, eating likewise much, and from those ubiquitous stomach bugs.

If they throw up green bile, however, it is serious, Wong says. Vomit that looks similar nighttime java grounds can too be serious.

Greenish bile can point that the intestines are blocked, which needs immediate attention. Vomit that looks like ground coffee grounds may be a sign of internal haemorrhage. Vomiting afterwards a head injury volition also require evaluation considering information technology can be a sign of a concussion or of bleeding inside the cranium.Head injuries, with or without vomiting, should be evaluated by a md.

What should you practice?

Vomit that is greenish bile or claret-colored should exist evaluated by the pediatrician immediately.

Head injuries, with our without vomiting, should be evaluated by a doctor. Call your pediatrician immediately, and follow his or her advice, Wong says.

In general, it's ever better to be safe than sorry. When in doubtfulness, always trust your gut and phone call your pediatrician.


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